Sunday, February 4, 2018

Da Nang

Took the shuttle into Da Nang today and saw this amazing dragon bridge.  My photo does not do it justice, so you might google dragon bridge, but still, it is awesome that I saw it in person and drove across it!  It actually breathes fire at night!
This is just a short blog to keep you updated on our whereabouts & whatdoings...  My trivia team has not won yet but we have been having a marvelous time... met some great folks so far and think they will be longtime friends.

Dragon Bridge
Mermaid statue with Dargon Bridge in background

Susan, B says he has replaced Dusty - at least on a temporary basis.  This is Pat and he was delighted to sit on a bench with B.
Boys on a Bench

funny foods
 The food and market photos are for Colleen and because we enjoy visiting them.  I tasted some strange food today and bought some dried squid, which is kind of fishy!
veggies in the market
 B & I got hour long leg & foot massages today and it was soooo relaxing... I also got new toe polish, and B said after he paid, "well that was $30 shot to hell!"  That is 2 down and 76 to go B...
getting a foot and leg massage
 These adorable girls were walking down the street with us.  I asked if I could take their photo and they all giggled, then posed.  We said thanks, and started to walk away - then they asked us for a copy of the photo - instead I just took a couple with their camera, which B photo-bombed.  Turns out they are from Korea and very well spoken in English...  Hey Jess, can you pick a favorite?
cute Koran tourists
We sail away late tonight and have another sea day tomorrow... until we meet again...


  1. Your son continues to survive. Please cease worrying temporarily, and resume enjoying your trip.
